
WordStat and CMDb Applications of PriorityQueues and HashTables


This Java project comprises several tools and utilities for text analysis and movie database management. It features the WordStat application for analyzing word frequencies within text, the CMDb (Case Movie Database) for managing user profiles and favorite movies, and supporting utilities including a Hash Table for efficient data storage and a Priority Queue for ordered data management.




Supporting Utilities

Additional Components


Setup and Execution

  1. Compilation: Compile the Java files using your preferred development environment or the command line.
  2. Running WordStat:
    • For file input: java WordStat "path/to/textfile.txt"
    • For direct string input: java WordStat "string1 string2 string3 ..."
  3. Running CMDb: Simply initiate the CMDb application with java CMDbGroup, and follow the interactive prompts or integrate it into a larger project.

Features and Usage



Hash Table & Priority Queue

Development and Contribution

Contributions are welcome. Please adhere to conventional coding standards and provide tests for new features or bug fixes. Use pull requests for submissions.


Utilize the provided MainTester.java and Tester.java for JUnit testing, ensuring that new contributions do not break existing functionalities.

You can run them as follows:

java MainTester
java Tester

They will use sample testing files and data, such as TestTextFile.txt or TestTextFile1.txt, etc. to test all functions and methods of the Java classes and programs.


This project is open-source, available for modification and distribution under standard open-source licenses.


For bug reports, feature requests, or contributions, please open an issue or pull request on the project’s repository.

Created with ❤️ in 2023 by Son Nguyen. All rights reserved.