
2048 Game in JavaFX

This is a JavaFX implementation of the popular 2048 puzzle game, where the objective is to slide tiles on a grid to combine them into a tile with the value 2048. This implementation includes animations, styling, and responsive UI design, offering an enjoyable experience for players.

Table of Contents


The 2048 game is a single-player sliding block puzzle game where the player combines tiles to create a tile with the value 2048. The game is played on a 4x4 grid, with tiles that slide in four directions (Up, Down, Left, Right). When two tiles with the same value collide, they merge into a single tile with double the value. The game continues until no valid moves are left.

Architecture: The game follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, with separate classes for game logic, UI interactions, and rendering. The main class Game2048 manages the game grid, user inputs, and animations, while the Main class initializes the game window and handles event listeners. The game is styled with modern aesthetics, featuring rounded borders, color-coded tiles, and proper alignment of UI elements.

Technology Stack: The game is built using JavaFX, a Java library for building rich client applications. It uses FXML for defining the UI layout and CSS for styling the game. The project is managed using Maven, with dependencies for JavaFX and JUnit for testing. Also used CSS for styling the game.



Welcome Screen

2048 Game in JavaFX

Game Interface

2048 Game in JavaFX

Instructions Interface

2048 Game in JavaFX



Combine tiles with the same value to create a tile with the value 2048 or higher. The game ends when no valid moves are left.

Note: The game can be won by creating a tile with the value 2048 or higher. The player can continue playing even after reaching the 2048 tile.


How It Works

Game Mechanics

  1. Sliding and Merging:
    • Tiles slide in the direction of the arrow key pressed.
    • Tiles with the same value merge into one tile, doubling their value.
    • A tile can merge only once per move.
  2. Adding New Tiles:
    • After every valid move, a new tile (value 2 or 4) appears in a random empty spot.
  3. Game Over:
    • The game checks for possible moves after each action.
    • If no moves are available (all tiles are full and non-mergeable), the game ends.

Code Structure

The game is built using JavaFX, following Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for clean separation of concerns. The key components are:

1. Class: Game2048

This is the main class responsible for rendering the game grid, handling user inputs, managing the board state, and applying animations.

Key Components:

2. Class: Main

This is the entry point for the application, where the game window is initialized and displayed.

Key Components:

3. Maven XML Configuration: pom.xml

This file contains the Maven project configuration, including dependencies for JavaFX and JUnit.

Key Components:

4. Controller, Model, and View Classes

These classes follow the MVC pattern for managing game logic, UI interactions, and rendering.

Key Components:


The game is styled with modern aesthetics, featuring:

Color Codes for Tiles:


  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd Game-2048-JavaFX
  2. Set Up JavaFX:
    • Ensure that JavaFX is installed. If not, download JavaFX from the official site.
    • Configure JavaFX in your IDE:
    • Add JavaFX libraries to your project.
    • Set JVM arguments to include JavaFX runtime, e.g.:
      --module-path /path-to-javafx/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml
  3. Run the Game:
    • Compile and run the Main class.
    • The game window will open, and you can start playing immediately.


Running the Game

  1. Start the Application:
    • Run the Main class from your IDE or terminal.
  2. Play:
    • Use the arrow keys to move and merge tiles.
    • Aim for a tile value of 2048 (or higher)!
  3. Reset:
    • Click the New Game button to restart the game.
  4. Exit:
    • Click the Exit Game button to close the application.

File Structure

The project structure is organized as follows:

├── org.example.game2048javafx/
│   ├──  # Controller for the game
│   ├──       # Model for the game
│   ├──        # View for the game
│   ├──    # Main game logic and UI
│   ├──        # Entry point for the application
│   └── resources/       # Optional resources like images or stylesheets
└──            # Comprehensive documentation

Known Issues

  1. Game Freezing:
    • Ensure animations do not block the main UI thread.
  2. Performance:
    • For extremely high tile values, UI updates may lag.


Feel free to contribute to this project! Open issues, submit pull requests, or suggest new features.

  1. Fork the Repository:
    git fork
  2. Create a New Branch:
    git checkout -b feature/feature-branch-name
  3. Commit and Push:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Add your message here"
    git push origin feature/feature-branch-name
  4. Submit a Pull Request:
    • Open a pull request on GitHub describing your changes.
  5. We will review your PR and merge it if it meets the project’s guidelines!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Enjoy playing 2048 in JavaFX! If you encounter any issues, feel free to raise them in the repository.

Happy Coding! 🚀