
NGINX Docker Setup

This directory contains all necessary files to set up an NGINX server using Docker for the Budget Management App. It includes a Dockerfile to build an NGINX image, a docker-compose.yml file to orchestrate the Docker container setup, and a configuration file (nginx.conf) to define NGINX’s server behavior.

Directory Structure


Setup and Usage

  1. Build the Docker Image (optional, if docker-compose is configured to build automatically):

    docker build -t custom-nginx .
  2. Run the NGINX Server using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up -d

    This command will start the NGINX server in detached mode. The docker-compose.yml file will handle the setup, including any volume mappings, port configurations, and network settings.

  3. Access the NGINX Server:

  1. Stop the NGINX Server:
    docker-compose down

    This command will stop and remove the NGINX container(s).



Additional Information

For more information about the project, refer to the main README.md file. Thanks for checking out this NGINX Docker setup!